How a precept is calculatedThe precept is divided by the taxbase (number of households) in the parish, district and county area eligible to pay Council Tax. It calculates the charge that each council charges the residents to carry out services.
The district council collects the Council Tax for all three local government bodies. It pays the amounts to the parish and county councils at the start of each financial year. District and county councils receive additional local government funding to provide community schemes. In contrast, a parish council only receives council tax funding.
The Precept for 2024/2025 was set at £58,578.50 and agreed by all councillors.
This was agreed at the January 2024 meeting as the Parish Council have committed funds increasing grass cutting within the parish, enhancing the Cemetery and supporting a number of local festivals and events.
Grant Funding
Rawcliffe Parish Council invite community groups once a year to apply for funding under S137 of the Local Government Act 1972. Application forms will be made available in September of each year.
Any group or organisation with the parish of Rawcliffe may apply for the funding, to qualify you will require a bank account in the name of the group, benefit more than 5 members of the parish and be prepared the complete a written application and attend a grants meeting in October.
Current levels of funding available under Section 137 LGA 1972
The Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has notified the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) that the appropriate sum for section 137(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 (the 1972 Act) for parish and town councils in England for 2023/24 is £9.93.
The amount is a result of increasing the amount of £8.82 for 2022/23 by the percentage increase in the retail index between September 2021 and September 2022 under Schedule 12B to the 1972 Act.
Cllr Keith Stevens, chair of NALC, responded: "I welcome this news from the government on increasing section 137 expenditure for local (parish and town) councils. It enables the first tier of local government to spend a limited amount of money for purposes for which they have no other specific statutory power, helping them continue to invest their small share of council tax to support and improve their communities.
For further information please follow the link below:
2023/2024 Budget Calculations Budget 2023/2024
Public Rights Notice 2023
Annual Governance Statement Complete 2023
Completed Audit 2023
Payments 2023/2024 (excluding staff costs)
2024/2025 Budget Calculations
Budget 2024/2025
Monthly Payments 2024/2025